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How to Turn Into a Werewolf

The Sims 4 Werewolves finally introduced one of the most popular supernatural beings into the game. But how exactly does one become a werewolf? Well, it depends on how you want to go about it as there are a couple of ways to become a lycanthropist. Let me guide you through each of them, one by one.

Cheats to Become a Werewolf

It’s not the most exciting way, but I did like to add it here in case it was what you were looking for. Enter the following cheat to turn your Sim into a werewolf:

Traits.equip_trait trait_OccultWerewolf

Sim attracts Werebies from Greg

Contract a Case of the Werebies

The most straightforward method- apart from cheating, of course – to become a werewolf on an existing Sim must be to attract the werebies disease. Your Sim will start to foam from their mouth, looking a bit bewildered once they attract the illness. Side effects might include insatiable hunger and… well, turning into a werewolf.

Where can I get Werebies?

The easiest way to give your Sim the werebies must be getting by on the nerves of the werewolf named Greg. Before you can see him, you must first investigate the warning signs right outside his living area in Moonwood Mill. He is an aggressive guy and will most likely attack your Sim when you use the Provoke interaction on him. Once he bites your Sim, they’ll look rather beaten up and… sick? Congratulations, you now have werebies!

The other way to attract the werewolf rabies is to investigate the Underground of Moonwood Mill. Keep going into the tunnels until your Sim gets bitten. There are three known entrances into the Underground: the bunker, the ‘portal’ potties and the sewer grate. Each of the entrances will do the trick in contracting the disease.

Werebies locations in Moonwood Mill.
Spots in Moonwood Mill that are important if you want to get werebies.

How do I Cure Werebies?

If you catch the werebies by accident, your Sim is going to be just fine. You can either try to sweat it off by working out, going for a steaming hot shower or take a long nap to see if you wake up feeling better afterwards. But the foolproof way to fix werewbies is to visit the Grimtooth Bar & Bunker in Moonwood Mill. There you can ask the bartender Celene López – or any other bartender – for the cure. She’ll give your Sim the remedy, free of charge!

Ask for Cursed Bite interaction
Cursed bites hurt, even when coming from a friend.

Ask for a Cursed Bite

Want to feel a bit more in control of the details of when you become a werewolf? I get it. In that case, befriending a werewolf with the Curse Bearer ability might suit your playstyle better. You’ll have to put in some effort to build a relationship with the werewolf, but when your Sim is their friend, you can ask them to bite you… you know, in a friendly way… 

Known Curse Bearers in Moonwood Mill

There are only three known werewolves with the Curse Bearer ability living in Moonwood Mill. From the Moonwood Collective you can ask either Kristopher Volkov – the alpha – or Lily Zhu to turn you. The Wildfangs’ alpha also has the ability, their name is Rory Oaklow. Each of them can often be found at their packs’ hangouts.

Known Curse Bearers of Moonwood Mill
The known Curse Bearers of Moonwood Mill.

Going Through the Transition

Once you’re either bitten by choice or by force your Sim will go through their transition into a werewolf. First, they’ll feel the pain of the bite, then they might even feel a little bit energized for a while. However, all that quickly fades as hunger starts to take over. Make sure to prepare a group meal or two, you will need it. 

Your First Transformation

After a lot of hours and a lot of food, your Sim will go through their first transformation. But there’s a catch. Your werewolf will be enraged and out of control the first time they transform. You’ll notice they will start breaking things and running around like crazy. Don’t worry, it will fade away soon… In total it will be a long 13 hours and lots of repairs afterwards, but I hope it will be worth it. You are now officially a werewolf! 

First time Transition
First transitions can be tough!

Passing on the Werewolf Gene

Sims who are born of werewolf parents have a chance at becoming a werewolf at birth. You read that right, they have a chance… For the first time it’s not a 100% given that Sims with werewolf parents will become one themselves. Even Sims with two werewolf parents either have Greater Wolf Blood – stronger werewolf Sims – or something called a Dormant Wolf. The latter did not manifest their wolf powers, but carry the gene. This means their kids could actually become full-on wolves, it just skipped a generation.

You can check if your Sim has the Dormant Wolf gene, by looking at their traits under their Simology interface. If your Sim is a Dormant Wolf they can awaken their lycanthropy under rather specific circumstances. First, it has to be a full moon. Second, the water of Lake Lunvik will have to glister in the moonlight. You’ll notice it will go foggy around the lake too. Go for a swim and see your inner-wolf awaken after a nice, energizing swim.

Dormant Wolf transition at Lake Lunvik
Dormant Wolf Sims start their transition right after exiting the water.

Make a Werewolf in Create a Sim

If you don’t want to deal with all this gameplay shenanigans, you can always start out by making a werewolf Sim in CAS. Click on the Add a Sim button, then click the Add Occult Sim icon and select werewolf as the occult. You can now proceed to make the Sim as you usually would, but now with a little bit of floof.

Add Werewolf Occult in Create a Sim
Where to find the occults in Create a Sim.

I Changed My Mind. How do I Cure Lycanthropy?

Turning into a werewolf doesn’t have to be forever. It might take a bit of effort to gather all the ingredients, but your Sim can make the cure all by themselves. It is quite the challenge, but it’s doable when you’re patient. 

Unlocking the Wolf-B-Gone Recipe

I hope you’ve been reading your werewolf literature, because the clue to finding the recipe for the cure is all in the books. There are a couple of books you can discover by exploring the Underground of Moonwood Mill or by scavenging the ground for treasures. Scavenging is more successful if you combine it with Enhanced Smell ability. Smell the area by clicking the ground to see fumes coming from certain spots, then proceed to dig there with your Scavenging ability to find collectibles and the books you’ll need for the cure.

Keep your eyes open for the following books: 

  • A History of Moonwood Mill
  • An Insider’s Guide to Being a Werewolf
  • The Diary of Greggorius Lunvik
  • WE’RE Living Magazine

You can still control your rampaging werewolves to Smell and Scavenge around town. I like to spend my Fury-induced frenzies productively by digging for valuables such as the books mentioned above.

Your Sim will need the Lunar Epiphany dormant ability to be able read these books completely. Unlock this dormant ability by reading three werewolf-related books. This only counts after you’ve turned into a werewolf, reading any books before that will not count towards unlocking the ability.

Sim reading secret book
It might take a while, but repeating the same books over and over really pays off!

Each of these books will have a chance to teach your Sim recipes, one of which will be the Wolf-B-Gone drink. Which recipe you’ll learn from what book is random and varies per Sim. I’d advise you to keep rereading a certain book until it stops giving you new information, then move to the next. 

You can prepare the drink like any other drinks; by using a bar and your Mixology skill. Weirdly enough this powerful drink is available to your Sim at Mixology level 1, but they’ll need the ingredients to do so. Making the cure costs 10 Wolfsbane and 3 Moonpetals. Prepare the drink at a bar and consume it to turn back into a regular Sim.

Moonpetals at Full Moon
Moonpetals can only be harvested during the night of a full moon and can only be found at the peak of the “Howling Point” hill in Moonwood Mill. If you have The Sims 4 Seasons installed they’ll bloom during any season.

Cheat the Werewolf Away

I’m not saying that you should, but you could always just cheat away the werewolf occult off your Sim. Enter the following cheat to return back to normal:

Traits.remove_trait trait_OccultWerewolf

So there you have it; all the ways you can become a werewolf in The Sims 4. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below.

Editor and Content Creator for Sims Academy. You'll be able to find me sharing the latest news about The Sims, writing guides or reviews of new content & making up challenges for you to try out.

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